Revisiting the Concept and the Practice of Compromise in the Context of Community

Introduction             At the outset I will acknowledge that I began to explore this subject at the behest of David Johnson—a former student, a present university professor who is a gifted and published writer, and one of my most faithful readers—who frequently comments on my blogs and virtually always stretches my mind in the process….

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A Postscript to my blog, Reflections on Community—Its Substance, Significance, and Setbacks: Second Post

Those who have read the blog noted above—and those who choose to read or reread it—will note that the first “setback” to a sense of community that I chose to address was in the realm of religion. I confessed to some discomfort for “edging into the political world yet again” and spent some ink declaring…

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Reflections on Community—Its Substance, Significance, and Setbacks: Second Post

An Unintended and Unexpected Prologue My intent was to complete these reflections about community and end on a positive note, but unfortunately, as you know, between the time I started writing and today, the Texas Attorney General brought to the Supreme Court a case for overturning/ invalidating the election results in 4 states that Biden…

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Reflections on Turning 84

OK, so you read the title of this blog, and you said, “Huh?”  With good reason. There is hardly anything iconic about the number 84. Maybe if I were celebrating the halfway-in-between-85 or the decade-marking-90. But 84?  Who gives a yippa-dee-do-da?.  It’s just a yawn-inducing, mostly-unnoticed, rough-hewn steppingstone to actually attention-capturing numbers. Unless, of course,…

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